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Support Material: Visual Aids for training Workbook 1

Support MaterialsTraining works so much better with a few visual aids to explain particular points, to direct people's attention, to keep everybody synchronised and (let's be honest) to remind the trainer what he or she is talking about.

Most visual aids for training tend to be electronic these days. But that can be a problem in the Developing World where some areas are without power. Even if there is power where you are training people, they may well be going out to train despearately poor rural communities where there is very little infrastructure at all.

For this reason we have designed the visual aids for training Workbook 1 to be based on the simplest of technology: Flipcharts and blackboards. The Support Materials Guide for Workbook 1 lays out all of the visual aids so that they may be reproduced on flipchart sheets (for the most part) and drawn as required on a blackboard. We encourage this form of training even where electricity is available in order to create a model which the trainees can follow when they themselves become Support Material Flipcharts for Trainer Trainingtrainers.

Click here to download the Support Materials Guide.

If you are using the Support Materials to support Trainer Training, you may need to print out copies of the flicharts and blackboards as A4 sheets to form 'mini trainer packs' which they can use for practice. This is easier to do using the 'Flipchart Pack' (see right) or by accessing the original powerpoint file through the forum and adjusting it how you wish.


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